RS Soft Tech Global Services USB-over-WiFi solution consists of a USB Bridge Device Stack and a Host USB Driver that makes use of the host's built-in Wi-Fi network interface to provide a wireless interface to USB devices connected on the USB-over-WiFi Bridge. This USB-over-WiFi solutions allows a host to access normally wired USB devices over a Wireless connection. The wireless USB bridge can support game consoles, digital video recorders and other USB-based consumer devices as well as ordinary computers.
Due to its modular design this stack can be implemented either as a standalone Wi-Fi-to-USB HUB or it can be integrated into a consumer devices making its peripherals accessible as USB devices over the wireless network. This can be used to access storage devices or printers or even the peripherals in a mobile phone like the storage, display or camera over the wireless network using the USB protocol.
RS Soft Tech Global Services provides hardware and software customized services around this solution to meet customers's needs and helps to integrate this as part of their products.
Key Features
- Allows remote access to USB devices over an IP network
- Plug and Play USB Cable Replacement
- Low Footprint & Time to Market Advantage
- Enables wireless connectivity to existing USB Devices
- No additional devices drivers required on the host for standard USB class devices
- Stack is portable across Host processors and Operating Systems
- Provides accessibility to any device a virtual USB device